
Theseareaddedbycreatingaregfile.Todosocopytheregeditinfopostedandpasteintoanotepadfile,renameandsaveastweaks.regthendoubleclick ...,2018年3月29日—HowtoimprovegamingperformanceonWindows7?·Getthelatestdevicedrivers:·InstallthelatestDirectXversion:·Alteryourpowersettings ...,2020年2月13日—2.BooteitherwithoutCSMsupportandpcwillresetandwarnthatitjumpedintoCSMmode,ormanuallyenablelegacyCSMmode.3.Cli...

Gaming Tweaks, Performance Enhancement's and System ...

These are added by creating a reg file . To do so copy the regedit info posted and paste into a notepad file , rename and save as tweaks.reg then double click ...

Best ways to improve gaming performance on your Windows 7 ...

2018年3月29日 — How to improve gaming performance on Windows 7? · Get the latest device drivers: · Install the latest DirectX version: · Alter your power settings ...

Windows 7

2020年2月13日 — 2. Boot either without CSM support and pc will reset and warn that it jumped into CSM mode, or manually enable legacy CSM mode. 3. Click on UEFI ...

7 settings every PC gamer should tweak immediately

2024年4月7日 — In this article, we show you how you can optimize your PC's gaming performance using Windows and UEFI settings -- and introduce you to useful software that ...

How do you optimize Windows 7 for gaming?

2016年11月28日 — Update your graphics card drivers to the latest version. · Use the Game Mode feature to prioritize gaming performance. · Disable unnecessary ...

How to maximally optimize a Win 7 PC for gaming?

2020年11月14日 — I would like to know how to maximally optimize my PC running Win 7 for gaming? I play Counter Strike :Source and NBA 2K10 on it. My specs are: ...

PC Optimization Guide for Windows 7

2023年5月24日 — 1. Click on the Windows Start button and choose Control Panel. 2. In Control Panel choose Power Options. 3. In Power Options, choose High ...

Windows 7 Tweaks

由暢銷書作家兼 的創作者Steve Sinchak 撰寫,這本獨特的指南為您提供了一系列絕佳的秘訣,讓您充分發揮Windows 7 的潛力。書中包含超過400 頁的內幕技巧,深入探討 ...